Celebrities aren’t just on Instagram to be pretty. Who would have guessed that they can be just as witty as everybody else. The Instagram account @Commentsbycelebs collects their hilarious comments:
1. Gwyneth Paltrow couldn’t agree more.
2. Yeah, drop some music Riri.
3. Sometimes you tend to forget that celebrities are just as ashamed as we are.
4. Jelly Katy?
5. That’s not a very nice thing to say.
6. They just want to make new friends…
7. Everybody has accidents, Reese.
8. Loud and clear, ma’am.
9. Watch it.
10. Shady.
11. We want to join too!
12. Just as thirsty as the fans.
13. And one thing is for sure, they are just as grumpy as the rest of the internet.
Do you follow us on Instagram already? 😉