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21 tweets that show comedian Jaboukie Young-White is one of the funniest people on Twitter

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Twitter is loaded with funny people. One of its funniest and freshest voices is comedian Jaboukie Young-White (and yes, we know it says “black” in his Twitter name, but trust us). Here’s a few samples that show just why he’s a must-follow…


1. He has exquisite taste.


2. Just like that.


3. Jaboukie is truly an inspiration.



4. R.I.P.


5. If you need a pick me up, just picture him singing this.


6. Please.


7. He knows how to make deals. The best deals.



8. This actually works.


9. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯



10. Accurate.


11. Oops.


12. He knows his biology.


13. Same.


14. Same, but with Scarface.


15. It’s funny, but also painfully true.


16. How dare we.


17. Nice.


18. This is a 100% accurate historical fact.


19. Yeah, let’s not do this, please.


20. Welp.


21. But in the end, he’s a considerate guy.


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Watches an almost unhealthy amount of tv series, and has no minor comedy obsession. That's…

funny Jaboukie Young-White TWITTER

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