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Actress Chelsea Peretti eats cake in a bizarre way and Twitter is ready for discussion

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Brooklyn Nine-Nine actress Chelsea Peretti shared a picture on twitter showing everybody how she eats cake. Nothing weird, huh? Well, take a look at the picture and you’ll change your mind. Twitter was just as confused as we were – and that’s how they came up with a brilliant solution: We should all have a cake partner. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


1. The shocking message. 


2. Chelsea herself was a little baffled about how many people started reacting to her eating habits. 


3. But wait.. A lot of people agree with her. 


4. Well, we surely do love this theory.


5. Oh pls no. 


6. We were wondering when the angry mob would join the convo. 


7. How dare you. Comparing a cake to bread. Disgusting. 


8. What.. No cake? Just frosting? What’s happening people?


9. Apparently there are more people (heathens!) who won’t eat cake at all. 


10. Well, a winner takes it all. 


11. YES!! Sharing cake and love.  


12. How dare you Chelsea. 


13. Meanwhile, a lot of people started to ask for details


14. So Chelsea, when do you eat the frosting and when do you skip it?


Seems legit. But what do you guys think? Cake with or without frosting?


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Lust geen koffie, maar ijskoffie dan weer wel. Hockeyt al zo lang ze zich kan…

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