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Airline CEO responds to adorable letter from 10-year-old Alex

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What did you want to be when you were a little kid? The 10-year-old Alex wants to be the CEO of his very own airline. And how do you start your career? By asking one of the biggest airlines in the world of course.


1. At least, that’s what Alex must have thought when he sent this letter.

He asks, among other things, how he could combine his busy life as a student with his job as the CEO.


2. But there’s more.

Alex also asks advice on which airplanes he should buy.


3. Qantas appreciates the letter a lot en posted it on Facebook..


4. The CEO of the company also wrote a lengthy response to the little man. 


5. In the meantime he received the letter.


6. Lachlan is very impressed with Alex.


7. There are even candidates lining up for Alex’s company already.


8. Although some people are a little bit jealous.


9. Qantas also gets their kudos.


10. By any means, people can’t wait for the meeting between Alex and the Qantas CEO.


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