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Medical student shares way too relatable pictures and Twitter explodes

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Being a student can be kind of stressful, that’s for sure. This girl wanted to share exactly how she’s experiencing med school so far, and it didn’t go unnoticed. Students on Twitter flocked together to share their own mental breakdown-pics and the results definetely don’t disappoint. So, dear students: you’re not alone.


1. So this student decides to share this before and after pictures:



2. Her tweet explodes and soon after, the first students followed her example with pictures of their own.


3. The smile is fake, the tears are real.

4. This one’s in a pretty bad state.


5. And they keep on coming.


6. All innocence has been drained from their eyes.


7. Transformation Tuesday gone wrong. 


8. Her mouth really conveys the right feeling.


9. Can’t even notice a difference. Really.


10. This one HAS to be a different person.


11. Let’s just say that at least they have eachother to share their sorrow?


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