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Moosejaw Mountaineering asks their fans a question and the reactions are nuts

3 minuten lezen

It’s important for brands to stay in touch with their customers. Moosejaw Mountaineering takes this very seriously.


1. It starts with this very specific and necessary question.


2. Before answering, a few, very important questions need to be answered.


3. This is arguably the most important question.


4. Most people have their minds made up.


5. Fripside brings in the hard facts.


6. Jess squirrels an interesting theory.


7. Deno has it all figured out.


8. Donna and Ryan have a different perspective.

dramatic chipmunk GIF


9. Brigitte even has a picture of the 300 pound squirrel.


10. And Christopher likes what he sees.


11. And in come the puns.


12. Larry would like to use this opportunity to apply for a job.


13. Steve has an actual scientific approach to answer the question, and a gif explainer.

mr. herbert garrison GIF by South Park


14. But Jill has first hand experience that makes things quite clear.


There’s only one way to find out the true answer though…

squirrel come at me bro GIF


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britney spears flirting GIF

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