“Thanks for reaching out. We’re happy to help.”
1. Snapchat was dealing with problems in their app.
2. Robin doesn’t want an automated response, so he decides to test Snapchat. It’s safe to say they didn’t pass.
Test: my snap streaks disappeared. This is a test, if you tell me to go to your website I’m done.
— Robin Wetterhall (@RWetterhall) July 11, 2018
Thanks for reaching out! We’re happy to help. Please go to: https://t.co/pLsBLYE56r and select ‘My Snapstreaks disappeared’ 🔥
— Snapchat Support (@snapchatsupport) July 11, 2018
3. Scott quickly figured out what was going on.
I think it’s a keyword bot. If you say something like streak or lost streak it should automatically pop up
— scott foster (@scott6518) July 11, 2018
4. That’s when the real fun started.
England have lost there world cup streak. Any way they could get it back?
— Jack Scott (@JackScott__) July 11, 2018
Thanks for reaching out! We’re happy to help. Please go to: https://t.co/pLsBLYE56r and select ‘My Snapstreaks disappeared’ 🔥
— Snapchat Support (@snapchatsupport) July 11, 2018
5. It was bound to happen.
Like snapchat i really lost my streak snap ing pictures of your mom
— Friday Tha 13th (@zXBennyXz) July 11, 2018
Thanks for reaching out! We’re happy to help. Please go to: https://t.co/pLsBLYE56r and select ‘My Snapstreaks disappeared’ 🔥
— Snapchat Support (@snapchatsupport) July 11, 2018
6. This is just a good question, really.
I’m lost but there are people running around naked, should I streak?
— Stephen Bubb (@Theyoutub28) July 11, 2018
Thanks for reaching out! We’re happy to help. Please go to: https://t.co/pLsBLYE56r and select ‘My Snapstreaks disappeared’ 🔥
— Snapchat Support (@snapchatsupport) July 11, 2018
7. Just to show you that it works with literally anything, as long as you use “streak” and “lost”
Hhgdtkkhffyhgffthuuhgtyuhgggty Lost hjffujilbghjk streak hgfhjuukhgfxgjj
— Anders Kjeldsen (@And3k5) July 11, 2018
8. Mikey’s tragic story gets a less than empathetic response.
so I lost my cat yesterday. he was the light of my life. I don’t understand why he just ran away. he always comes back but this time, he disappeared. I don’t know how long this streak of him being away will last.
— Rip x (@MikeyMakesMusic) July 11, 2018
Thanks for reaching out! We’re happy to help. Please go to: https://t.co/pLsBLYE56r and select ‘My Snapstreaks disappeared’ 🔥
— Snapchat Support (@snapchatsupport) July 11, 2018
9. Masha couldn’t stand to see the message anymore, but…
THaNks FoR rEAcHiNG oUT¡ WE’rE hAPpy tO HelP. plEaSE fO to/ spr ly/help AnD sELeCt ‘mY SnaPcHAt sTReAk dISaPpeaREd’
— Masha (@novak_masa) July 11, 2018
10. Yeah.
Thanks for reaching out! We’re happy to help. Please go to: https://t.co/pLsBLYE56r and select ‘My Snapstreaks disappeared’ 🔥
— Snapchat Support (@snapchatsupport) July 11, 2018
Well played, robot.
Thanks for the tip, Niek!
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