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These people leave the most puzzling messages on airline Facebook pages

3 minuten lezen

A lot of people come to the Facebook pages of airlines to ask questions, complain, or pay compliments. Well, mostly to complain. However, the people below are a bit harder to categorize.


1. Vivian just doesn’t want to step on anyone’s toes.


2. EasyJet did not wave back, maybe they thought Jonathan was waving at the Facebook page behind them.


3. Hopefully Lufthansa doesn’t charge an extra fee for carry-on hugs.


4. Considering he’s not telling us what 28+ things he’s talking about, he’s right.


5. Well… yeah.


6. Chris is such a diehard anarchist that he also doesn’t care about the basic rules of the English language.


7. Conner’s day has been made.


8. Just saying “hi” back can be enough sometimes.


9. Unfortunately not all greetings are answered.


10. Why indeed, Jon.


11. Different Jon, more confusion.


13. Consider it done, Miguel.


14. The name is mond, Desmond..


15. Jill introduces us to the sequel of the ‘butt dial’: the ‘butt post on an airline’s Facebook page.’


16. Faye may be in on it as well.


17. Spoiler alert: Dodoh did not want to share more details.


18. And finally, Kalshetty shuts. it. down.


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