Es gibt diese Dinge, von denen man weiß dass sie passieren, aber man ignoriert sie eben gekonnt.
Zu Hören, wie die Eltern „beschäftigt“ sind, ist ein gutes Beispiel dafür. Bedauerlicherweise bleiben wir nicht alle davon verschont. Der kleine Bruder von Twitterer Rana Hassen musste dies schmerzlich am eigenen Leib erfahren. Und er wirkt, gelinde gesagt, traumatisiert.
1. Seine Schwester teilte das Video auf Twitter. Er möchte aber nicht wirklich darüber reden.
my brother heard my parents having sex and had a complete break down while telling me about it
— raw na (@ranahasse) February 20, 2020
2. Er beklagt, sie haben es nicht nur einmal..
3. oder zweimal…
4. ..sondern ganze DREIMAL getan.
Three times!
Three times!
Three times!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
— TheUnknownCritic (@A_Nonny_Maus) February 22, 2020
5. Twitter steht ihm bei. In Form von Worten
The pain in his voice when he says „three times“ 💀💀💀💀
— Nick (@NiickMichael) February 21, 2020
The pain and horror 🤣🤣🤣🤣 I’m dead AF 🤣🤣🤣🤣😂
— Tania🍷 (@Mommy2JandB) February 21, 2020
6. GIFS..
Lil buddy was in his room like :
— Rénźel Rozay🐊👑 (@GatorSavage2121) February 21, 2020
Not once not twice but 3 times 😂🤣😭
— ijustjosh (@IJustJosh) February 21, 2020
Lil buddy was in his room like :
— Rénźel Rozay🐊👑 (@GatorSavage2121) February 21, 2020
7. ..und Memes
Lil man was in bed like..
— FastLyfe🏎💨🏁 (@JFromTheStreetz) February 21, 2020
8. Geteiltes Leid ist halbes Leid
I walked in on my parents once. I was so in shock that I walked backwards out of their room & fell down a flight of stairs (their room was close to the stairway). I tumbled down the stairs & hit my head on the wall. Never walked into their room w/o knocking again.
— SoSo (@FitSoso) February 22, 2020
9. Was macht man dann eigentlich?
Imagine being his parent and seeing your child going viral over this.
— bre. (@iAM_brej) February 21, 2020
10. Petition! Sofort!
That’s a GoFundMe I can get behind.
— oper9r (@RWSS_LV_CMDR) February 23, 2020
11. Kein Bedarf. Vegane Burger sind die Lösung, so seine Schwester.
for the record took my lil drama king out for dinner n gave him the talk lmao hes all good. apparently plant based burgers are a good alternative for therapy
— raw na (@ranahasse) February 22, 2020
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