Über die Jahre finden sich aufgrund notorischen Sammelwahns so einige „interessante“ Fundstücke zu Hause an. Bei einem Großteil fragt man sich dann aber im Nachhinein zurecht über die Anschaffung: ‚Woran hat’et jelegen?‘.
1. Twitter-User Captain Bison Trippshorn fragte das Twitter-Universum nach genau solchen Absurditäten, die so hässlich sind, dass man sie nicht wegwerfen kann, weil man nie wieder etwas derart abscheuliches finden wird …
2. … und gab selbst die Steilvorlage an die Community.
Möchten Sie noch etwas Handgelenk zu ihrer Uhr?
I’ll start. This is the Diesel ‚Super Bad-ass‘. I accidentally won it in a competition and I hate it. It’s worth a few hundred (apparently?!) but I will never sell it, because I will never own anything this gauche ever again.
Please note that I have NORMAL HUMAN WRISTS pic.twitter.com/3cScgqqzPN
— Captain Bison Trippshorn (@Brainmage) February 3, 2020
3. Wie erwartet: Er rannte damit offene Türen ein.
Was sich mansche Leute so an die Wand hängen, joa.
Oh, everyone else can give up now, I win pic.twitter.com/T3o4SG9nok
— Lizard Queen (@ragbonehair) February 3, 2020
I actually love this painting, but can also grasp it’s ugliness. It was a mother’s day gift from my MIL, who asked her co-worker to paint a portrait of my daughter, in „an Andy Warhol style“ 🤷
My daughter doesn’t look like this, to be clear. But I do love this thing! pic.twitter.com/XA0DpgAOdz
— Emi (@EmiMarFly) February 3, 2020
4. Und für solche Porträts wurde auch sicher nicht wenig Geld hingelegt …
This painting is ~3 ft in width, and hangs above my living room couch. pic.twitter.com/WArpgfTNQr
— Nicole Attercop (@LadyAttercop) February 3, 2020
This (cursed) painting that my mum commissioned of my children – who don’t look anything like these scary things. I’d throw it out but I’m sure it’d come back! pic.twitter.com/IUxC8FHfBO
— Jeanna Louise Skinner (@JeannaLStars) February 3, 2020
5. Bei manchen Tierskulpturen ist man einfach sprachlos.
We call it “evil shell cat” and it has a theme tune. pic.twitter.com/z3McrovYgZ
— Lucy Ayrton (@lucyayrton) February 3, 2020
Apparently this was a custom-made souvenir from Jersey Zoo. What animal it’s actually meant to represent is, and probably always shall be a mystery. Best £1 I’ve ever spent pic.twitter.com/QGyKv9LETB
— Jennie Findlay (@jenniefindlay) February 3, 2020
6. So schrecklich, dass das Tochter ganz vergessen hat, dass es von ihr stammt.
My daughter aged 5: carefully and lovingly selected this as a gift for me.
My daughter aged 12: “ Mum, why do you have that hideous clock?!“ pic.twitter.com/x9CbpHRNtM
— KJ Charles (@kj_charles) February 3, 2020
7. Wenn Mama sich halt durchsetzt.
Well, technically my mum owns it, but… pic.twitter.com/Sg6iBotV93
— Dean (@Herne_TheHunter) February 3, 2020
This is one of the things my mum insisted I personally had to keep when we cleared out my grandma’s house. I have no idea what it is pic.twitter.com/QoAEzXrIiA
— Redheadache (@nimbus_nought) February 3, 2020
8. Ein solches tanzendes Getier hat doch wirklich jeder Elternteil daheim, oder?
— Sebas (@OhLookBirdies) February 3, 2020
9. Aus der Kategorie ‚Was einem Nachts den Schlaf raubt‘.
This cursed doll pic.twitter.com/Pfx1gp24i4
— Louie Stowell (@Louiestowell) February 3, 2020
My MIL owns this but she doesnt have twitter (or taste) it „watches“ you use the loo pic.twitter.com/WwLlHWOhRw
— Siouxsie Helliwell (@Siouxs_Aitch) February 3, 2020
My Mum owns this but it was in my bedroom from when I was born until I was about 10. pic.twitter.com/olPMXbIJ7X
— AJ Jefferies (@moonjam) February 3, 2020
My boy did this and it stares at me still from a window sill:https://t.co/qZCrI5uMNu
— Disappointed Optimist (@disappoptimism) February 3, 2020
10. Zum Abschluss eine Frage zum drüber Nachdenken: Was sagt es einem, wenn man so etwas geschenkt bekommt?
Allow me to introduce you to Catherine the Grate. She was a Christmas present from my parents (back when she had two eyes), and I still don’t know what I did to deserve it. pic.twitter.com/K5SotPRz8v
— Fiona Feane (@fiona_feane) February 3, 2020
Danke an Brainmage für den Thread!