De meeste kinderen zijn schattig, maar ze kunnen ook doodeng uit de hoek komen – wie ooit The Exorcist, The Sixth Sense of een vlog van de Bellinga’s heeft gekeken, kan dit waarschijnlijk wel beamen. Schrijfster Lilah Sturges ondervond dit in levende lijve, toen haar dochter op vier- of vijfjarige leeftijd opeens claimde in een vorig leven met een zeeman genaamd Brad Huffington getrouwd te zijn geweest. Of Lilahs dochter de waarheid spreekt of gewoon een rijke fantasie heeft laten we bij gebrek aan bewijs maar even in het midden. Het inspireerde andere Twitter-gebruikers in ieder geval om hun meest creepy uitspraak van hun eigen kind te delen met de rest van de wereld.
1. Door dit soort uitspraken lijkt adoptie misschien toch opeens een optie.
2. Waarschijnlijk de laatste keer dat ze hebben aangeboden om op te passen.
We took my nephew (5 at the time) to the beach for a picnic. He immediately walked to the edge of the lake and just stared at it for a good half hour. We got lunch ready and told him to come eat and this little fucker slowly turns to us and goes “the lake wants a sacrifice”.
— Dizzy (@13silverroses) April 6, 2022
3. Toch niet. We hadden ze nog zo gewaarschuwd.
Oh and last year when I broke my leg he came to visit me and stay the night and at like 10 pm he walks in my room with a fucking chef knife and looks at me (watching TV) and goes “Oh. You’re awake. I’ll come back later.” He never did but I didn’t sleep that night.
— Dizzy (@13silverroses) April 6, 2022
4. Dit kind is waarschijnlijk ontsnapt uit de Netflix-serie ‘Dark’.
My father years before my son was born and we were estranged for years. Once, when I was putting my kid to bed he started to cry and said “You are a better dad to me than I was to you”.
— Jerry (@JerryMorant69) April 6, 2022
5. Misschien zijn we paranoia, maar wij zouden deze tweeling echt niet vertrouwen.
At age five my son drew a portrait of our family of four with two tiny upside down people.
A year later I gave birth to twins.
— Rebecca Woolf (@GirlsGoneChild) April 6, 2022
6. Hier ga je vanavond nachtmerries over krijgen.
My older son was convinced he was once “Bern Smith” with a twin brother named “Burt Smith” who lived in Idaho (name/place changed).
I found an obituary for a Bernard (Bern) Smith, survived by his twin brother Burt, from Idaho, who died the day after my son was born.
— Rob King (@TheKingAdRob) April 6, 2022
7. Dit meisje mag volgend jaar onze Wie Is De Mol-poule invullen.
My daughter (3) pointed at my boobs one afternoon and said “those are for milk.” I said they used to be when she was a baby but not anymore, and she said “no, they are again.” And then two days later found out I was pregnant.
— Breeana Flannery (@BreeanaFlannery) April 6, 2022
8. Dit kind ziet ze vliegen.
My 3yo, laughing early one morning when I woke up with him, “Mommy is flying in the kitchen.” My wife, waking up for the day 30 minutes later, “I just had one of those dreams where I left my body. I flew dwnstairs into the kitchen.”
— willc (@willc) April 7, 2022
9. Dit klinkt alsof het regelrecht uit een horrorfilm komt.
My daughter, at 4, was looking out the window and asked “where are all those people walking to”. I turned to look and she was pointing to an empty cemetary.
— Beagle, PhD (@beaglephd) April 6, 2022
10. ‘Oké, gezellig, jij ook welterusten hè?’
Tonight’s toothbrushing conversation…
Me: So what do you think, son?
Son: I think you’re going to die soon
— Jason Knight (@onejasonknight) March 13, 2022
11. We houden ons hart vast voor de nabije toekomst.
My son is autistic and had significant speech delays. When he was about 3 and very limited verbally, one day he stood up in the middle of playing with blocks and said, crystal clear, with the intonation of a TV docu narrator: “The year was 2023. The world was burning.”
— Gili Bar-Hillel Semo (@gilibugg) April 7, 2022
12. Een gevalletje ‘eind goed, al goed’ (al twijfelen we of dit het type closure is waar we op zaten te wachten, brrr).
Update: I mentioned this tweet to my daughter (who is now 21) and she reminded me that Brad lost a leg while serving in the Navy prior to his demise and that they had five kids together.
— Lilah Sturges (@LilahSturges) April 6, 2022
13. En mocht je vanavond nou niet kunnen slapen, houd je dan vast aan deze tweet.
She said “Daddy?”
I said “Yes my darling?”
She said “Don’t believe writers making shit up on twitter for likes and retweets.”
How did she know? It was 1998.— Sean Rostron (@seanrostron) April 6, 2022
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