Dit verhaal is écht een emotionele achtbaan. Je stapt erin, je weet niet precies wat je moet verwachten en dan word je gewoon vol gas afgevuurd in een soort beangstigende maar ook leuke ervaring. We zouden het in ieder geval knap vinden als het verhaal van jou en je partner dit overtreft.
1. We beginnen.
2. Het verhaal start onwijs zielig.
I always took flowers and my mum visited a lot and she always took flowers and my grandparents were still alive then and they always took flowers. My dad’s grave frequently resembled a solid third place at the Chelsea Flower Show.
— sixthformpoet (@sixthformpoet) June 9, 2019
3. Toen viel opeens iets op.
Nice but I felt bad for the guy buried next to my dad. He NEVER had flowers. Died on Christmas Day aged 37, no one left him flowers and now there’s a pop-up florist in the grave next door. So I started buying him flowers. I STARTED BUYING FLOWERS FOR A DECEASED MAN I’D NEVER MET.
— sixthformpoet (@sixthformpoet) June 9, 2019
4. Waardoor dit gebeurde.
I did this for quite some time, but I never mentioned it to anyone. It was a little private joke with myself, I was making the world a better place one bunch of flowers at a time. I know it sounds weird but I came to think of him as a friend.
— sixthformpoet (@sixthformpoet) June 9, 2019
5. Als gevolg kwamen er veel vragen.
I wondered if there was a hidden connection between us, something secretly drawing me to him. Maybe we went to the same school, played for the same football club or whatever. So I googled his name, and ten seconds later I found him.
— sixthformpoet (@sixthformpoet) June 9, 2019
6. En de antwoorden zijn echt niet wat je verwacht.
His wife didn’t leave him flowers BECAUSE HE’D MURDERED HER. ON CHRISTMAS DAY. After he murdered his wife, he murdered her parents too. And after that he jumped in front of the only train going through Balcombe tunnel that Christmas night.
— sixthformpoet (@sixthformpoet) June 9, 2019
7. Dit verklaart alles.
THAT was why no one ever left him flowers. No one except me, of course. I left him flowers. I left him flowers every couple of weeks. Every couple of weeks FOR TWO AND A HALF YEARS.
— sixthformpoet (@sixthformpoet) June 9, 2019
8. Maar hier houdt het niet op.
I felt terrible for his wife and her parents. Now, I wasn’t going to leave them flowers every couple of weeks for two and a half years but I did feel like I owed them some sort of apology.
— sixthformpoet (@sixthformpoet) June 9, 2019
9. En het verhaal neemt een compleet andere wending.
I found out where they were buried, bought flowers and drove to the cemetery. As I was standing at their graves mumbling apologies, a woman appeared behind me. She wanted to know who I was and why I was leaving flowers for her aunt and grandparents. AWKWARD.
— sixthformpoet (@sixthformpoet) June 9, 2019
10. Met dit als einde. Die zag je écht niet aankomen, toch?
I explained and she said ok that’s weird but quite sweet. I said thanks, yes it is a bit weird and oh god I ASKED HER OUT FOR A DRINK. Incredibly, she said yes. Two years later she said yes again when I asked her to marry me because that is how I met my wife.
— sixthformpoet (@sixthformpoet) June 9, 2019
11. Ja!
This has to be a contender for the greatest “how I met my wife” story
— Lady Janie Geek (@LadyJanieGeek) June 9, 2019
12. En JA?!
Do either of you live in fear of Christmas Day?
— geoff foden (@hangerhead) June 9, 2019
13. En dit ook.
Well, I hope you will not take 9 season to explain to your kids : “how I met your mother”
— Mec Facile (@Samuspectral) June 9, 2019
14. Het was me ’t ritje wel! Wat een verhaal zeg…
— 🏆🏆🏆 Mike 🏆🏆🏆 (@mkrisht) June 9, 2019
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