De verwoestende brand in de Notre-Dame van gisteravond was voor veel mensen een emotioneel moment. Vlak voor de brand gebeurde dit:
1. Gisteren maakte een toerist een foto van de Notre Dame, vlak voor de brand uitbrak.
I took this photo as we were leaving #NotreDame about an hour before it caught on fire. I almost went up to the dad and asked if he wanted it. Now I wish I had. Twitter if you have any magic, help him find this 🙏🏼
— Brooke Windsor (@brookeawindsor) April 16, 2019
2. Nu is Brooke op zoek naar de man op de foto.
@ everyone in my dm’s:
-I do not know for sure if it was a dad and daughter, it’s simply the dynamic I observed from them while debating on interrupting this moment. It may be an uncle, brother, friend, who knows until we find them.
-It was taken at 5:57 local time
(1/?)— Brooke Windsor (@brookeawindsor) April 16, 2019
3. Na de foto is de toerist naar het Louvre gelopen.
-We walked to the Louvre afterwards. My friends noticed the smoke, and we followed (2/?)
— Brooke Windsor (@brookeawindsor) April 16, 2019
4. Maar niet iedereen snapt de zoektocht van Brooke.
If that was my kid that you 1. Took a picture of without my permission and 2. Are now sharing all over social media and the news, I’d be so pissed at you. It may be a cute picture but it’s of a kid and I think it’s really wrong of you to share it in this way.
— Louisa Davies (@LouisaDavies19) April 16, 2019
5. En als je een zoektocht begint, gaan mensen heel goed naar de foto kijken.
Did anybody notice that the dad had a doppleganger with little bit more beard 🤔🤔
— Ta rocks (@ta_rocks) April 16, 2019
6. Oh, dus zo zit het…
That’s the same guy with his grown up daughter time traveling back to get one last picture of her childhood with Norte Dame before it burned.
— A guy at the beach (@surfrescuer) April 16, 2019
7. Zo krijgt deze tragedie een bijzonder staartje.
This has easily become my favorite photograph of Notre Dame. I hope you find the father in the photo. Alors on espère xx
— Quee(r)n (@largeskeleton) April 16, 2019
8. Herken jij de man?
I want to see this as a feel good news story within the next 24 hrs that this picture makes it to that family 🤞
— keo (@okaitlin) April 16, 2019
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Bijzonder: Parijzenaren zingen Ave Maria voor brandende Notre-Dame
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